Four Degrees of Separation

by Max Humana   The domain of reality contains universes without end, which layer on each other like pages in a multidimensional and infinitely long book. Within these universes, all potential outcomes are possible. The thread of every human life weaves a path through the fabric of the reality contained within each universe. The endlessly …

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A Tale of Two Countries

by Max Humana, October 2015 Anyone who watched the first Republican presidential “debate”, then watched the first Democratic debate, must have wondered if the people on the respective stages were all actually competing for the same job in the same country. It was truly bizarre to watch the Democratic debate with the memory of the Republican …

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Campaign 2016 Begins: The First Republican Debat(ish) Hoedown

by Max Humana The first formal events of the 2016 Presidential campaign went down on Thursday, August 6, 2015, under the watchful and controlling eye of Fox News. The date was originally intended to showcase only the first Republican debate, but due to the seemingly never-ending horde of narcissists desperately chasing fame, fortune and a …

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